SE2 worked with the Center for Work Education and Employment (CWEE) to support communications efforts and develop a new tagline for the organization. Since CWEE’s mission is to foster personal and professional transformation for low-income single parent families through confidence building, customized skills training and career advancement, the organization needed a tagline that conveyed their purpose, while also inspiring hope. The tagline that was ultimately selected -- Poverty’s end begins here -- was a derivation of a few of my original tagline submissions, which can be seen below.
- Ending the cycle of poverty starts with us
- Where poverty ends and prosperity begins
- Where poverty ends and hope begins
- Ending poverty starts with empowerment
- Fighting poverty, building futures
- Building brighter futures to end poverty
- Building a brighter future to fight Denver’s poverty
- A helping hand in times of need
- Building futures to break the cycle of poverty
Copywriter: Allison Nipert, Katharine Brenton